
The website of Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres gives you an overview on recent research projects and publications. You also find a list of interesting research papers which could be downloaded free of charge.
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New Publication: Handbuch Social-Media-Marketing

Social media has now become an important part of marketing for many companies. Social media is being used in more and more areas, such as advertising, customer service and recruiting. The successful use of social media always requires strategic planning and knowledge of the framework conditions, such as legal regulations.

The Social Media Marketing Handbook is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the various relevant aspects. Both the scientific and the practical perspective are represented.

The book offers practitioners, students and academics a well-founded overview of the numerous facets of social media marketing.


Since 2015 Christopher Zerres is full Professor for Marketing at the Offenburg University. He teaches in several Bachelor- und Masterprograms. Furthermore, he is teaching in the international Masterprogram Communication and Media Engineering. His focus in teaching and research is:

Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Blurb


Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Blurb

Social Media Marketing

Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Blurb


Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Blurb


Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Blurb

SME Marketing

Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Blurb

Virtual Reality


Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres is author of numerous publications in the fields of marketing and management. These publications include books and book contributions, editorial works as well as papers and conference papers.

Working papers

In connection with research projects, theses and practical projects, new working papers are written at regular intervals.

In addition, current developments and issues, such as the relevance of technology assessment, are addressed in various working papers.

These working papers cover topics from the fields of marketing, marketing law, project management and management.

The working paper are also listed and available at:

  1. EconStor (ZBW Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft)
  2. OPUS System of the Offenburg University

All working papers can be downloaded free of charge. Simply click on the download icon next to the working paper.

Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Arbeitspapiere


Research projects are carried out at regular intervals along the main topics of the professorship. Current developments are taken up. These include, for example, developments in online marketing and the topic of virtual reality. Find out more about current and completed research projects.

Prof. Dr. Christopher Zerres Praxisprojekte


Within the framework of teaching and projects, recent topics are addressed.

In cooperation with organisations current challenges and measures are investigated and discussed for example in guest lectures. In addition, numerous interesting results have been achieved in joint projects and student theses.

Find here more information about these cooperations and a selection of results.